I am the principal of ******** on the Southwest side. I know firsthand that in the military the
lowliest of enlisted soldiers are told to speak up if they see something
unethical. You have tried to do that and
CPS has been tone deaf due to the
leadership of our Mayor.... There is a movement growing against
the use of a corporate leadership style in
our public schools which conflicts with everything schools have stood for in
the past two centuries: local control by parents and the community....
I experienced the silencing of principals, but it continues,
despite being called the "CEO" of our school building. When we
received our budget a Board member requested principals return to their LSCs
and explain the pension crisis and that the only solution is cutting pension
benefits that politicians promised. We
all know there are other solutions, including cutting networks, central office
departments, and ending TIFs.
TIFs have been used to enrich the mayor’s political allies, from the
Pritzker’s Hyatt hotel to the construction company building the new DePaul
stadium with our tax dollars.
We are being recruited to advocate for their profit and our colleagues’
loss. The public loses as the 1% gain.
What parents and tax payers and voters need to know is that
education reform as led by Rahm Emanuel does not have the goal of
helping your child or your community. They
are only interested in the bottom line, and they are the ones that will earn
the profits.